30 Empowering Questions for Emotional Help

Over the last few weeks, I have been unconsciously writing posts about emotional help. These includes The Enlightened Being – 8 Ways to Recognize this Being, The Power of a Book that will Change your Life and Two Questions After Death that Will Change Your Life. From comments that came with these posts, we entered a very unique discussion about using question for emotional help.

In my own NLP training and reading, I have come across the powers of using questions for emotional help and mastery. Taken in the right perspective, empowering questions can change our focus, transform our emotional state and improve our lives. It is with this source of inspiration that I presenting to you a set of empowering questions to positive change your states for emotional mastery.

I hope you will begin using these questions strategically and often to lift yourself out of emotional misery into more superior states. Emotional help is the beginning of all transformative states. When you are in empowering states, your decisions will lead to better actions.

Reflective Questions for Emotional Help

1.      What I am happy about in my life right now?

2.      What I am excited about in my life right now?

3.      What I am proud about my life now?

4.      What I am grateful about in my life now?

5.      What I am enjoying most in my life now?

6.      What I am committed to in my life now?

7.      Who do I love? Who loves me now?

8.      What have I given today?

9.      How has today added to the quality of my life now?

10.  How can I use today as my investment in my future?

Problem Solving Questions for Emotional Help

11.  What is great about the current problem I am facing now?

12.  What is not perfect yet? What can I do to move things in that direction?

13.  What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

14.  What am I willing to correct to make things happen?

15.  How can I enjoy doing the necessary to reach my goals?

Family Questions for Emotional Help

16.  How can I improve the lives of my family?

17.  What aspects of my spouse, children, siblings, etc. do I like most?

18.  How do those aspects make me a better person?

19.  How can I make my family smile and laugh more?

20.  How can I inspire my family to live a better life?

Soul Searching Questions for Emotional Help

21.  What am I good at that will improve other people’s lives?

22.  What wisdom have I gained in life so far?

23.  How have I improved my capacity to give and receive love?

24.  What is life asking of me in this situation?

25.  Who am I in this universe?

26.  What is the ideal world for you?

27.  What can we do as a human race to make life better.

28.  What inspires you in life?

29.  How can you make a bigger contribution beyond your family circle?

30.  If you are the supreme being of the universe, what and how can you change to make this world more like you?

Are there any questions here that are strikingly similar to what you are used to? Do you think these questions can be of emotional help to you? Do you have any more questions that can be added to this list for emotional help?

Beginners Guide to NLP – Part 1 (An Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming)

My Own Guide to NLP Training

In my earlier post on 25 Random Secrets of My Inspired Life, I mentioned that I had received some form of training and guide to NLP – Neuro Linguistic Program. I first came across this term while reading Anthony Robbins’ book on Unleashing the Giant Within. Robbins coined NLP as Neuro-Linguistic Conditioning to differentiate his teachings from the others. After reading that book, NLP became something I was fascinated with.

One of the results of this fascination with NLP was that I signed up for a NLP certification program with a local company that specializes in NLP training. From this training, I have discovered more useful tools for personal development. It is my turn now to share these with you in this guide to NLP series. I am making things really fundamental here in order not to turn off those who are new to this technology. I hope you will find this series useful in improving your own lives.

Introduction to the Beginners’ Guide to NLP

Let us begin this guide to NLP with some definition and history of NLP. NLP is the study of how people think, feel and act. It is characterized by an intense curiosity about how and why people get the results they do. Another term we usually use is ‘modeling’. We try and role model the behavior of successful and effective people. There are certain ways we can do this. It is through the use of a set of tools and powerful methods in NLP that we strive to access and influence our mental, physical and emotional resources, skills and creativity.

NLP was first introduced by a Mathematician, Dr Richard Bandler, and Dr John Grinder, a well known professor of linguistics in the mid 1970s. More than this Guide to NLP, their work focused on three main areas of work as defined by each of the three words in NLP.

Neuro refers to the study and use of our neurology (the brain and mind), through which we experience our environment via our five primary senses. Linguistics refers to how we use our language and other non auditory communication channels to modify our states of mind for personal effectiveness. Finally, programming refers to our ability to discover, adjust and use the programs that we mentally run in our minds to achieve our goals. That is another definition for NLP in this Guide to NLP.

This guide to NLP presents these tools and technology is a basic manner for you to understand and apply in your life.

Tools and Technologies of this Beginners’ Guide to NLP

  1. Pattern Interrupt
  2. Anchoring
  3. Eye Assessing Cues
  4. Chunking
  5. Neurological Levels Coaching
  6. Subliminal Message Programming
  7. Disney’s Creativity Strategy
  8. In-Time and Through Time Guidance System
  9. COACH vs CRASH States
  10. The SCORE Model

There are many more NLP skills and concepts we can discuss and learn. But for this guide to NLP, we are concentrating on the simpler ones. Those that can impact your lives immediately when use correctly.

I hope that you will enjoy this series on the Guide to NLP. In the next post on this series, I will touch on Pattern Interrupt.